Thursday 8 October 2015

The Moment of Truth

On the 8th of October 2015, the L8 unit joined the L3 unit, together went to Bukit Merah Laketown Resort. We went there by our IPG bus. We stopped at RnR Sungai Perak and proceeded our journey. We safely arrived there on 10.30 a.m. Once we arrived there, we divided ourselves into the respective classes and clubs. We had our mini explorace at Eco Park. Among of the tasks were, they need to take selfies with two of the animals, create a cheers' video  about the animals with them inside the video. The rest of the clubs enjoyed it very much. Here are some of the pictures of us having fun there.

The sky cycle

The Timetravellers at The Eco Park (missing Luiza)

Aliff explained the task to the Night Club.

Afifah with the Eureka Stars.

We hope that the experience here will help us to be a great English teachers in the future. We really hope that our knowledge and friendship will lasts forever. Thank you to all our friends and lecturer, Mr. Krishna for guiding us for this semester.

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