Wednesday 8 July 2015

Meeting week 4

Hello Time Travellers :)
The meeting of week 4 focused on the presentation of the blog to our lecturer, Mr. Krishna and the song of the club as well as the logo.
We also discussed about the completed paperworks from each group and we came on an agreement that the chosen place is "Pulau Pangkor".
The main comittee members combined for all of the club elected and assigned task for everyone.
Finally, the combined paperworks from all the clubs need to be combined and approved to complete the assigned task.
Here are some of the pictures during the meeting.

Saranya as the chairman

Alia explained about the "Pulau Pangkor", "Teluk Batik" and "Marina Island" 
; it's pros and cons of chosing these places

Saranya listened to the members' opinion about the places.

All the committee members selected and assigned tasks.

The final committee members and their assigned tasks. 

* The meeting held at Dewan Sri Kledang, PULAKO.
The meeting postponed to the next following week.

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